Your lag time is such that when the professor asks for a show of hands, your client will raise her hand at the wrong time. You tell your client to raise her hand even though she doesn't know why. After, you interpret why.
Because you are telling the client to raise her hand and not interpreting the, "raise your hand if..." question, you could misrepresent your client. Or have her misrepresent herself.
What are other options?
A place to discuss real life ethical dilemmas to better your decision making process as an interpreter.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
A show of hands please
Thursday, December 15, 2011
I get by with a little help from my terp
The class you are interpreting in is having a discussion about a short story they just read. The teacher asks a question and your client says to you, "tell me the answer. Please." you feed him a word, the answer. He raises his hand and the teacher calls on him.
-if every interpreter did this, what would our profession be?
Friday, December 9, 2011
A Devil's Bargain
Are we to blame? We certainly aren't innocent.
a devils bargain
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Want some?
One of your clients tells you he has weed.
-seriously! Don't you have the where with all to keep that info to yourself
Your client is a minor in a high school. -do you have the responsibility to report him?
You tell your client not to tell you information like that and he says to go ahead and report him. He doesn't have it in him.
-what do you do?
-what are you obligated to do?
-ethically what should you do?
-legally what must you do?
Friday, December 2, 2011
Are you sure?
Your interpreting in a mainstream English class. Your students are participating in a small group book discussion. One of the hearing students summarizes the book--it was supposed to be done today but the kids are only half way through. You don't want your kids to get the wrong information, especially since they may believe the hearing student's summary over their own reading comprehension.
--do you do nothing. You are an interpreter, not a fact finder.
--do you change information in your interpretation?
--do you ask the hearing student if she is sure about her facts and offer an alternative to them?
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
And this is my team. CODA.
You are interpreting in a hospital. The Deaf patient's CODA son is also there. While you are interpreting, he will clarify a sign or a meaning. It happens naturally as if he is your interpreting team. You interpret a sentence about the pain the patient is going through then turn to her son to make sure you got it right.
-is it ok to use the CODA as a team?
Later the Deaf patient asks if you understood everything because you relied on her son. You explained yes, but because it's a hospital wanted to make sure you were right. She seemed comfortable with that answer.
-Is it alright to let your clients in on your process?
-Is it fine to converse with them when the dr is not around?
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
The other one sucked!
You are interpreting a discharge at a hospital. Your client confides in you they didn't trust the interpreter they had in the ER. Perhaps, your client feels, she was admitted erroneously because of miscommunication between the staff, the interpreter and the Deaf client.
- you don't know who the ER interpreter was or even if thru worked with your same agency. Do you email your agency to let them know the client complained?
- do you empathize but do nothing?
- what are your options?
Friday, November 18, 2011
So, when can you do it?
Your agency asks if you can interpret at 1:00. You reply that you aren't available until 3:00. The agency says they will call the hiring organization to see if they can accommodate your schedule.
You didn't mean that you wanted the agency to change the appointment time to accommodate you. You were only telling them when you could work.
Do you
-clarify with the agency?
-accept the job when they change the time?
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
I'm losing and need some help
You are losing badly in a game of Chess with Friends. To make matters worse, you want to impress the friend you are playing against. Catching up, or at least not losing embarrassingly would be fabulous. So, while your client is supposed to be practicing math, you ask if they are good at chess. They weren't doing work anyhow, you rationalize.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Movie day
It's movie day. Luckily, the movie has captions. Unluckily, the teacher makes comments during the movie. Comments that the students will be tested on. Also unluckily, there is no ambient light. You consider using your iPhone do your students can see you interpret, but electronic devices are strictly prohibited at this school.
--what are your options?
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Oh, and yesterday you had...
Your student was absent yesterday. Today, even though it's not your job, you tell her what homework was assigned yesterday and when it's due. To hedge, because you know her homework isn't your responsibility, you tell her to double check with her classmates.
--should you have even brought up homework?
-- you want to see your student succeed.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Morning announcements? Bah!
Every morning your school has announcements. Students in class talk so loud you can't hear the announcements, the announcements are repetative and they often don't apply to your kids. You ask your students if they want to "hear" the announcents and they say not to bother. You no longer interpret the announcements.
-Is it ok to ignore the announcements? They are posted in the office.
-during announcements your kids either continue with their work or socialize. It's better to do that than to force the to watch you, no?
-how about if you interpret applicable announcements?
-who decides 'applicable announcements' anyway?
Friday, October 28, 2011
You are interpreting an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) Testing. The student being tested has a good command on sign language but the differences between Jamaican signs and American signs poses additional communication challenges. You explain the communication struggles to the tester. You also suggest strategies for communication.
--Is it ok to suggest communication strategies on an IEP test? Or an IQ test? Does that influence the results?
--how do you tell the test giver you are working on communication?
--do you request a team?
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Is this the right answer?
-is what you did ok? It wasn't interpreting.
-should you instead called the substitute teacher over?
Monday, October 3, 2011
Missed Vocabulary
After the teacher is done talking, she roams the class looking at student work. When she reads your student's work, your student asks about the same vocabulary word that was just discussed.
Do you:
-own up to the fact you didn't interpret that discussion?
-interpret the current conversation and not worry about the past?
-what are other options?
Monday, September 26, 2011
Are you here?
Should the interpreter do that? Should the students have the opportunity to call their own attendance?
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Interpreting Tests
A student asks you to repeat number 32, but the teacher is talking with someone else. You go ahead and read the question, and interpret it from the booklet.
--Did you cross an interpreting boundary?
--Did you assume too much control over the teacher's classroom?
--Or, were you efficiently getting the information interpreted so the students could move onto the next question?
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Do I stay or do I go?
--on one hand, you are getting paid, why not stay?
--on the other hand, you are getting paid to interpret, not to chat. Why stay?
--the thing is, he doesn't have anyone to talk with and he is an interesting person. Why not stay?
--but, its not your job to chat with clients; its your job to interpret.
Monday, April 25, 2011
So I've Heard
*Is it ethical to listen to stories about other interpreters rom a client?
*If the client tells you something unethical the interpreter did, what would you do? Do you give your client options for recourse? Defend your peer's actions? Listen and do nothing?
Sunday, April 24, 2011
You can stay and chat
*Do you stay and chat? You are scheduled for another hour.
*Do you leave? You are scheduled to interpret, not to hang out.
*What would be the moral thing to do?
*What are your other options?
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
I'll Voice
You wouldn't have minded voicing and think the student needed the support. But you didn't want to go against your team.
*What were some other options?
*Should you have voiced?
*If you voiced, how would you have approached that with your team?
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Why bother?
Deaf Student: not paying attention
You: interpret anyway
Hearing student who sits behind you: "He ain't even looking at you, Miss. Why you keep doin' that?"
Your options--
1. agree and quit interpreting
2. explain role in idealistic terms
3. chat with hearing student
4. ...what would you do?
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
I hate my agency!
+Was it really appropriate to dis on your agency?
+What would have been another option?
+How can you be empathetic to your team while still remaining loyal to your agency?
Friday, March 4, 2011
Been there, terped that
--Do you go ahead and interpret the fed sentence?
--Do you ignore your team's feed?
--Do you say, I've got it?
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
I can see
--Do you let your team know you don't need to be fed the client's actions?
--Do you ask your team if they want the same information when they are in the off seat?
--Do you let it go; chalk it up to teaming idiosyncrasies?
Sunday, February 27, 2011
I teach too!
+How do you respond?
+When you are on, do you interpret? Or do you teach?
+Do you tell the agency anything?
+Do you talk to your team?
Thursday, February 24, 2011
My Ex Sucks!
Do you:
+smile and nod. You don't want to get in the middle of it.
+readily take her side. She is offering you a ride home.
+tell her you'd rather not know. You may have to work with her ex one day.
+What are the short term ramifications of your decision?
+If you will want a ride from her again but don't want to be drug into her personal saga, how will you avoid the topic of her ex?
+How can you remain supportive but still distanced?
Monday, January 31, 2011
Can I leave early?
Would the following circumstances inform your decision:
1. The student never pays attention and you feel that is disrespectful.
2. They are doing group work and you know the student communicates well with his group.
3. You want to get some shopping done on your way home and would like to leave early.
4. You have nothing else to do and are paid to stay.
Consider the situation with the above variables. What would be the ethical options? What are the practical options. What would you do?
You can leave
1. You team the last period of a high school class. You are the 2nd team on and half way through class you come in to relieve your team. After the team leaves your student signs, “You can leave. There is nothing happening today.”
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
A few minutes in the life of a Sign Language Interpreter
Saturday, January 15, 2011
OMG! I've gone viral on You Tube!!!!
- What are the short term consequences?
- What are the long term consequences?
- If everyone did this, how would that effect the interpreting profession?
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Coffee or Science?
You interpret in a high school on-going. During earth science you have a team as the material is difficult and the teacher lectures the entire period. Yet today—and about once a week—the students copy questions from the board and work on their own. Your team suggests, since neither of you are “working” you go out to buy your much needed coffee.
*Is it ok to leave during your scheduled interpreting time? Its possible you return the favor next week. And you’ll be back well before the next period.
*What are the professional consequences?
*What are the short and long term consequences?
*What pattern are you establishing for other interpreters in your high school?
Friday, January 7, 2011
Get a Room!
You, because there is no lecture and no interpreting, open a book. When you look up to check on your student, you notice he is swapping slobber with his girlfriend. They aren't pecking and batting eyes at each other; they need a room!
You decide there is no need to witness the makeout session, so you return to the Deaf and Hard of Hearing office. Of course, you gossip to the other interpreters what happened (maybe you shouldn't have told everyone, but hey, you all work together). One of the interpreters suggested you should have interpreted what they were doing. You say, "Slurp, slurp slurp."
Later you wonder if you should have pointed out to the teacher the R-rated scene that was unfolding in her classroom.
- What are options you have in that situation?
- Should you stay/go?
- What are the short- long- term consequences?
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Keep in mind:
- You enjoy working with your team an up to this point have had no issues.
- You are concerned about interpreting accurately because of the professor's accent coupled with the heavy content.
- You are hungry and wouldn't mind a 30 minute break to grab a bite.
- Would you agree to the 30/30 split? If so, why? If no, why not?
- What Codes of Professional Conduct would you keep in mind?
- How will you continue a working relationship with your team?