Wednesday, May 30, 2012

But it's my break!

You work all day, on-going at one location. You get a prep period to eat lunch and catch up on things, which may include preparing for a class. Occasionally you are asked to give up your prep to interpret.

Do you
-guard your prep with the ferocity of a tiger?
-agree to give up your prep occasionally because you are being paid through the prep so you can be available?
-agree to interpret during your prep but request another time slot be set aside for your prep?

What are the benefits and downsides to each option?

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Read this

You lent a book to one of your clients.

--turns out they love the book. Does that make it ok?
--suppose they don't give it back.
--what was your intention in loaning the book in the first place? (to build a relationship? Because the book and client happened to be in the same place at the same time? Because you encourage reading in general?)
--does your intention with lending the book make the act more un/ethical, less un/ethical, or it's just a simple book! Stop stressing already!!

Friday, May 18, 2012

A few minutes in the life of an interpreter

Entertaining? Yes. What are non confrontational, non belittling ways to converse with hearing staff?

a few minutes in the life of a sign language interpreter.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

I'm only trying to help

We've discussed the dilemmas around teachers leaving classrooms. Suppose, now, you arrive to your class and your regular chair is missing. While you are securing an empty desk, the teacher leaves to find you a chair. Is the situation different since the teacher is trying to help you?

Friday, May 11, 2012

Substitute teacher=day off?

There is a substitute teacher in your high school math class. The sub handed out a work sheet and took attendance.

-is your job done as there will be no instruction?
-should you stay in the room, just in case?
-your bring paid to be present, so no question, you stay.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Class with snooki

Perhaps not the best way to do your job... But very funny.

class with snooki

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Calculus chaos

The teacher in this high school calculus class leaves the room. You are the lone adult in a sea of bored and unruly teens. One jumps out of his seat and closes the door behind the teacher, hoping it will lock behind her and she can't get back in. He the turns to you and says, "I was in my seat the whole time, Miss. Right?"

You know your supposed to follow the teacher out of a classroom but when she left you were interpreting an explanation and was surprised by the teacher's sudden departure.

List everything wrong with this situation.

What are things you can do to prevent such a situation from reoccurring.

If you can't prevent this situation, what options do you have for dealing with it, for making ethical decisions while in this situation.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

A day in the life of an interpreter

The Ethical Terp curates information for discussion purposes. This isn't an endorsement.
a day in the life of an interpreter

Friday, May 4, 2012

Dance dance dance

Your client is performing a short, original dance as a class project. The performance takes place on the classroom and will only be seen by the class. You want to record a video of it to share with other interpreters who work with your client and know s/he is doing the performance.

Is it ok to ask your client if you can record them and share the recording with other people they know?

Suppose it's not a solo, but a group performance. Do you need to get the hearing people's permission too?

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Terp Story: Job Cancellation

Terp Story: Job Cancellation

The Ethical Terp had no part in the creation of the video. This is curated for discussion purposes.