
Sunday, July 29, 2012

Can you get the phone for me?

You are driving down the road when your agency calls. Because, in your state, its against the law to talk on the phone while driving, your friend answers the phone for you. She relays your questions and answers.

Is the a breach of confidentiality? She doesn't know who the consumer is, only time and general location of the job.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Do you have a dilemma you want posted?

This is a reminder:

If you have an ethical dilemma or conflict, if you have a situation you want addressed and discussed, please email it to me at:

I'll put your situation into the line up.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Are you ready?

It's a dry spell and you want work. You are cold called by a random agency you've never heard of asking if you can work tomorrow at 9am. "yes!", you think but hold your cool enough to ask, "until when?"

The agency replies, "depositions usually last a couple of hours."

Deposition=law. Your certified but not with a law specialty.

--you accept the job anyhow because it's all interpreting anyhow.
--you accept because although you aren't certified with law, you are qualified.
--you turn it down because your not qualified and kick yourself for being unprepared for an opportunity
--you turn it down but give the agency the name of another interpreter who is qualified and certified.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Um, I'd rather not say

You are interviewing with a journalist who is writing an article on work - life balance. You recently had a baby do your input is applicable to this research. You describe what you do and where you work including that your life is so much easier because you have an ongoing gig in a school. The journalist asks which school you work in.

--do you tell the journalist? After all, she wouldn't know any of your students.
--hell, no. The journalist will publish the research and then it'll be all over the world forever more that you work (worked, rather, because who wants an unethical interpreter) at Nice Gig Public School.
--how do you politely decline to give the info?

Monday, July 9, 2012

I heart you

Today you really enjoyed your Deaf client. You understood everything they said, they were nice and polite. You may never be BFFs with this client but you would work with them any day.

So you tell them. After all, everyone enjoys a compliment.

--is telling a client you enjoyed working with them overstepping boundaries?
--is it simply polite?

Monday, July 2, 2012

My kid is calling

Your at work. Your client is set up and won't need you until break. So you pull out a book and read. Then your phone vibrates.

--you slip out and take the call. No one needs you anyhow.
--you ignore it. Anyone important would text anyhow.
--you see it's your child. You have to take it! (or do you?)
--what are your options?

Sweet honey in the rock

It looks like this band, which will perform July 8 for Celebrate Brooklyn, has its own ASL interpreter. How fabulous!!!

Does anyone know anything about Sweet Honey in the Rock?

sweet honey in the rock