
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

And this is my team. CODA.

You are interpreting in a hospital. The Deaf patient's CODA son is also there. While you are interpreting, he will clarify a sign or a meaning. It happens naturally as if he is your interpreting team. You interpret a sentence about the pain the patient is going through then turn to her son to make sure you got it right.

-is it ok to use the CODA as a team?

Later the Deaf patient asks if you understood everything because you relied on her son. You explained yes, but because it's a hospital wanted to make sure you were right. She seemed comfortable with that answer.

-Is it alright to let your clients in on your process?
-Is it fine to converse with them when the dr is not around?

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The other one sucked!

You are interpreting a discharge at a hospital. Your client confides in you they didn't trust the interpreter they had in the ER. Perhaps, your client feels, she was admitted erroneously because of miscommunication between the staff, the interpreter and the Deaf client.

- you don't know who the ER interpreter was or even if thru worked with your same agency. Do you email your agency to let them know the client complained?
- do you empathize but do nothing?
- what are your options?

Friday, November 18, 2011

So, when can you do it?

Your agency asks if you can interpret at 1:00. You reply that you aren't available until 3:00. The agency says they will call the hiring organization to see if they can accommodate your schedule.

You didn't mean that you wanted the agency to change the appointment time to accommodate you. You were only telling them when you could work.

Do you
-clarify with the agency?
-accept the job when they change the time?

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I'm losing and need some help

You are losing badly in a game of Chess with Friends. To make matters worse, you want to impress the friend you are playing against. Catching up, or at least not losing embarrassingly would be fabulous. So, while your client is supposed to be practicing math, you ask if they are good at chess. They weren't doing work anyhow, you rationalize.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Movie day

It's movie day. Luckily, the movie has captions. Unluckily, the teacher makes comments during the movie. Comments that the students will be tested on. Also unluckily, there is no ambient light. You consider using your iPhone do your students can see you interpret, but electronic devices are strictly prohibited at this school.

--what are your options?

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Oh, and yesterday you had...

Your student was absent yesterday. Today, even though it's not your job, you tell her what homework was assigned yesterday and when it's due. To hedge, because you know her homework isn't your responsibility, you tell her to double check with her classmates.

--should you have even brought up homework?
-- you want to see your student succeed.